“Windmill Boquet”
ALEXANDER PAIGE – 2020 La Jolla Studio “Windmill Boquet”
This abstract mixed media painting is a still life account of windmill and a bouquet of flowers emerging from a vase as a purely abstract painting. The artist chooses his own rendition on still life as his version of a windmill as his grandmother Mary Katherine K. O. Sweeny Kenndey painted windmills which has always been int the subconscious of the artist. Alexander Paige produces this painting which is a personal favorite of the 2020 La Jolla collection as the birds were chirping with the sunrise in La Jolla California on La Jolla Blvd. This particular painting came as an outlet and was a breakthrough as the artist decided to break all the mirrors in his home & put them in the paintings. Alexander Paige has zero recollection of producing this specific painting as the summer of 2020 was characterized by decadence & intoxication. The Summer 2020 La Jolla studio was extreme to say the least, however paintings like “Windmill Boquet” is one of about one hundred paintings produced in about a four-month period. “Windmill Boquet” is one of the first paintings by Alexander Paige which contains mirrors.