“Dance with Violin Player”
ALEXANDER PAIGE – 2023 Pencil Drawing “Dance with Violin Player”
This highly expressive heavy pencil drawing of figures gathered together featuring a violin player as a self-portrait is a re-occurring theme from the artist which ties all the way back to 2001 where the artist portrays himself as a violin player. The concept of playing instrument producing and curating your own frequency and spoken reality in this world is displayed by the expressive movement and exemplified in the image. This expressive image symbolizes decadence and excess and was drawn after the artist was told about a Roman Cesar named “Nero” who played violin while Rome burned. Figures in the image drape all over each other in the image as an expressive attempt to depict the chaos & activity around the celebration of female form beauty & life. The distinct pencil line quality in quick carefree style by Alexander Paige produced while in complete solitude in 2023.